As a follow-up to the Homeschooling Introduction meeting in Dicky's home a few weeks ago, we had a gathering in our home to showcase the materials that we have been using to educate both our daughters at home. Really appreciate my wife for being such a capable organizer and teacher! Looking back, we are grateful for God's amazing grace which saw us through the ups and downs for the past 6 years that we have been on this home education path. Certainly, no regrets!
I shared on the role of the father to teach the following : Character, Apologetics and Life Purpose.
Answers Academy represents the supporters of the ministry of Answers in Genesis in Malaysia which focuses on establishing a Biblical starting point in matters of origins, science and history. Our worldview is based on the absolute authority of Scripture beginning from the very first verse. Website -
Monday, July 29, 2013
Apologetics Sermon @River of Life Sanctuary (28 July 2013)
We were invited to speak during the Sunday Service of River of Life Sanctuary (RLS) - spoke on the topic of "Building a Biblical Worldview". How did this invitation come about? Well - the senior pastor's nine year old grandson (residing in Australia) attended a Creation Camp and came home all excited. And this excitement spread to the grandma! So, we are indeed living in a connected world!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Homeschooling "INDOCTRINATION" Talk (14 July 2013)
My wife and I facilitated the viewing of "INDOCTRINATION" - a hard-hitting documentary movie on the state of public education for a group of young parents. There is really no such thing as neutrality in education and the schools have an easier time nowadays to influence the young ones because we parents are too busy with the world rather than shaping their worldview. How can the next generation rise up to be mighty in Spirit if this generation of parents sit down idly and surrender our children to the pagan education system?

Friday, July 19, 2013
Youth Camp @First Baptist Church Kuching (25-27 March 2013)
When we opened up the whiteboard as a place for them to "post-it" any questions - we were surprised at the barrage of questions that came - not only about creation but about theology and life as well. Indeed, there was a lot of pent-up questions and doubts which needed clarification. Am grateful for Brother Ho Chwen who helped with the Bahasa translation - especially during the small group discussions.
"Now, I truly believe!" - testimonies like this really bring a warmth to your heart and make this trip tremendously worthwhile. All the Pocket Guides were sold out - as the youth now are on fire to share their faith and be ready with answers for a skeptical world.
Am so thankful for my wife and daughters - there were such a great help in the small group discussions and personal conversations. They are the ones that add the personal touch to this whole trip. Well done, ladies!
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