This was the first sight that greeted us as we enter into the INCREDIWORLD AMAZEMENT PARK! From Nov 22-24, it was an amazing journey for us as we took steps to partner with the Children Church of Metrotabernacle to conduct the first-ever Answers-in-Genesis VBS here in Malaysia!
This Stegosaurus was kindly given by a kindergarten who did a dino-project - we recycled it to create an environment for the Dino Day during the VBS lessons. Children are naturally fascinated with dinosaurs and to show them that the Bible has lots to say about these creatures and how their fossils tie in with the Gospel message of sin and death was really an eye-opening moment for them!
The deco team at Metrotabernacle really went the extra mile and even put in a roller-coaster display to enhance the fun-fair atmosphere of the VBS.
We even had a Q&A box for children with questions to ask - I had such joy to provide answers to questions like - "How could all the animals fit on Noah's Ark?", "How did Job know about the dinosaurs if they died in the flood?", "How did the dinosaurs go extinct?", "Do ghosts exists?", "What about cave men?", etc. I was utterly surprised that the children (aged from 6-12) were all thinking actively about questions on origins - they have been waiting for a moment like this to ask them!
This Stegosaurus was kindly given by a kindergarten who did a dino-project - we recycled it to create an environment for the Dino Day during the VBS lessons. Children are naturally fascinated with dinosaurs and to show them that the Bible has lots to say about these creatures and how their fossils tie in with the Gospel message of sin and death was really an eye-opening moment for them!
The deco team at Metrotabernacle really went the extra mile and even put in a roller-coaster display to enhance the fun-fair atmosphere of the VBS.
We even had a Q&A box for children with questions to ask - I had such joy to provide answers to questions like - "How could all the animals fit on Noah's Ark?", "How did Job know about the dinosaurs if they died in the flood?", "How did the dinosaurs go extinct?", "Do ghosts exists?", "What about cave men?", etc. I was utterly surprised that the children (aged from 6-12) were all thinking actively about questions on origins - they have been waiting for a moment like this to ask them!
Game stalls, Craft Rooms and also Dino Info Cards plastered in open areas for easy viewing. There is much we can learn about the Creator from His wonderful creation!
Also, we had top-notched classrooms to conduct the WOW (World-of-Wonders) session. The unique approach of this VBS is that the children are divided into three age groups (6-7, 8-9, 10-12) where we can tailor the apologetics teaching relevant to their understanding. As you shall see in the later blog postings, these teaching sessions are key to opening up their hearts to the Gospel message.
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