Saturday, March 10, 2012

Answering the Critics - Part 2 (4 March)

Had the second session of "Answering the Critics" at the School of Christian Growth (SCG) class at Subang Jaya AOG. Topic = "One Race" - answering the question on origins of races and people groups. The Biblical worldview of how we all from flow from Adam and Eve, later on through the dispersion at Babel makes more sense of the world we see around us. At the heart of evangelism is a calling to ALL people to return to their true family, to return to their true home, to their one and only Heavenly Father. That is why it is important for us to have an understanding that Adam and Eve, Noah and his family are all literal, historical figures used by God to eventually linked us with Jesus Christ so that there can be a real "family reunion". This is the ministry of reconciliation that God has entrusted to us (2 Cor 5:16-21).

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